Thursday 15 March 2012

The Hunger Games!!!

So as many of you may know The Hunger Games books are being made into a film, which by the way I am very, very , very excited about ( Out on the 23rd of March 2012 ) ! But before I saw the trailer for the film I'd actually never heard of The Hunger Games. 

I decided to do a little research so I started on youtube and found a bunch of people doing makeup tutorials and they were for the most part quite well known you-tubers. So I figured the books must be quite well known. And as I read more and more into the whole hoohaa  , I was getting more and more obsessed with this book which I had never read!

So finally I went out and bought the first book of the trilogy. I'm currently on chapter seven and I'm hooked! I'm now so excited whenever I hear the words 'Hunger Games' I nearly burst with excitement!! Now I'm currently in the process of a series of The Hunger Games' Districts Makeup Looks which are featured on my youtube channel 'BeautyExpress97' ( The link is at the top of the page , if you were wondering!). 

I Love The Hunger Games...........


  1. great blog!I'm a new follower =)

  2. Oh I love the Hunger Games! I cannot wait until the movie comes out next week! Amazing blog! Now following :)

    -- Hailey (

  3. I've never read the Hunger Games but have seen all the hype about it recently so will have to have a look out! Nice blog, now following xx

    1. You will not regret buying this book it is fantastic and thankyou !

      Olivia xoxo

  4. Heard lots about this book, will have to check it out soon =) *Meeowhug* =)
